Scientists Have Discovered
Super Earth : Will Now Be Exploring New Life Possibilities
Have Found A "Super-Earth" Right Next Door
The information
about this great success that scientists got has been published in the journal
Nature. This article describes how astronomers have discovered this Bernard
star six light-years away. Astronomers found during research that there is also
a 'frozen and a misty world' on this planet which weighs about 3.2 times that
of the Earth.
Explain that this planet is still known as Barnard Star. According to the report, it is the second planet close to the Earth outside our solar system to host every 233 days.
Ignasi Rivas of the Institute of Space Studies, Catalonia and Spain, said the discovery is very important because it is something like your neighbor. With whom we want to talk.
Rivas said that Super-Earth is definitely not a habitable place, because there is neither water nor air. There is some water and gas here as it is in solid form, so everything is stored there.
Explain that this planet is still known as Barnard Star. According to the report, it is the second planet close to the Earth outside our solar system to host every 233 days.
Ignasi Rivas of the Institute of Space Studies, Catalonia and Spain, said the discovery is very important because it is something like your neighbor. With whom we want to talk.
Rivas said that Super-Earth is definitely not a habitable place, because there is neither water nor air. There is some water and gas here as it is in solid form, so everything is stored there.
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